Thursday, April 26, 2007

Irish Banking

Day 15 – April 26

My big goal for the day was to set up an Irish Bank account and I was NOT successful. Basically I need a bank account over here to be able to do transactions in Euros for items like rent, utilities, etc. So I called the bank about a week ago and set up an appointment. You can’t just walk into a bank here and speak to a representative and set up an account…you must have an appointment. So I arrived at 1pm with all of my paperwork and I was ready to go. I even withdrew money at the ATM outside from my US account and I was ready to deposit it. I was told that I needed to bring my passport and a letter from my company with my Irish address. We started filling out the form and she copied my passport and the letter from my company and then came back and told me that my account could not be processed because the letter from my company did not have my old US address on it. I tried to give her about 3 other documents including an Irish government document that had my US address and she would not take it. I don’t understand how a letter from my company, which I provide all of the information for in the form of an email is better than government documents?!? So crazy! I have now requested a new letter from my HR department and will wait til they get around to typing it and make another appointment at the bank. So frustrating! On the positive note, I just made an appointment for a massage on Saturday. Something to look forward to!

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